Tag Archives: Lover Boy

Neptune’s Coming Home!

30 Jan

Neptune,who is the planet that can make us fall helplessly head over heals for someone as well as put us under a laxidasical spell, is about to come home into the sign of Pisces. I recently wrote about my lover-boy friend on Sasstrology.com and here’s an excerpt:

“Neptune is one of those planets that I’d love to sit down and have a cocktail with; now that he’s coming home into Pisces I may get my chance! He’s got so many different sides to him that a little intoxication could make the conversation fun.

Not to mention, Neptune is the ruler of all things intoxicating so sharing a little holiday spirit with him makes sense. Intoxication comes in many forms—one of them can be the wonderful and wicked spell of love.

Neptune likely wouldn’t tell me all his secrets, but perhaps I’d be able to get a few tidbits to better explain his power in the romance department.”  For the full read click here and check out what Neptune might have in store for you in the coming years!