Gearing Up For Your Climb To The Top With The Capricorn New Moon

8 Jan

Capricorn's Climb to the Top We’ve got a lot of activity in the sign of Capricorn right now.  Starting on January 9th, there will be four planets living in the Capricorn.  The Sun, Venus, Mercury & Pluto will all be riding through the sign of hard work, seriousness, business savvy and determination.  Capricorn is all about getting to the top and my personal opinion is some of the best employees have a lot of Capricorn in the their chart.

With all of this Capricorn activity it’s definitely a great time to start something new – perhaps a new project or even a business.  You’ll have the will and drive to succeed there is no doubt.  This sign is willing to put in the hard work and absolutely detests laziness.  They will “bring it on” and never complain – slowly and methodically making their way to the top.  They usually get there too – even if they arrive a little bruised and beaten from their tough climb up.

Friday’s New Moon will also be in the sign of  Capricorn – 21 degrees to be exact.  A new moon signifies something new and you can get a glimpse of where that “something new” will be by seeing where it falls in your chart.  This could definitely be a time where a lot of us get in touch with the “mountain climber” within.  The New Moon could give you a new drive or vision to start something you’ve been thinking about.  Since the planets work in mysterious ways – perhaps this New Moon brings something unexpected to your door.  If it does – definitely consider the possibilities rather than dismiss them.  Capricorn is practical and practicality should never be dismissed 😉

If you’ve started some New Year’s resolutions – maybe you’ll kick it up a notch.  If you’ve been planning on started something new but haven’t had the drive to get it going …. perhaps the planets may give you the kick-start you’ve been needing.  However it plays out for each of us – there’s no doubt that this New Moon could bring something long lasting to your life.  There’s no doubt that we’ll all have a little extra help from the planets in helping us succeed in whatever we’re embarking upon.

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